Men's Team

Team info

Coventry Corsairs RFC Men's Team

Founded in June 2019, Coventry Corsairs RFC Men's Team is the first inclusive rugby team in the city welcoming all prospective members regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, age or physical fitness levels.


Men's Team
Men's Team
Men's Team

About the team

Founded in June 2019, Coventry Corsairs RFC Men's Team is the first inclusive rugby team in the city welcoming all prospective members regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, age or physical fitness levels.

Training takes place on Tuesday & Thursday evenings from 7-9PM at Coventrians RFC, The Black Pad, Holbrooks, Coventry CV6 4AF.

Connor Woolaston
Men's Team Coach
Connor Woolaston

Team Sponsors

Club sponsor - The Yard
Club sponsor - Parker Meggitt
Club Sponsor - Arden's
Club Sponsor - Ibstock
Club Sponsor - Esendex