Player Of The Week 8 of 16


How much experience did you have of playing rugby before joining the Corsairs?
Around 15 years - both playing and coaching.

How did you first hear about Coventry Corsairs RFC?
I saw a post on one of Coventry Pride's social media accounts about the club.

What made you decide to join the club?
I had previously left rugby a couple years ago, due in part to homophobia as well as a lack of self-confidence. Ever since then I've really missed playing, so as soon as I heard of an inclusive club nearby I jumped at the chance to come back!

What's the best part of being a member of Coventry Corsairs RFC?
The support and friendships. Everybody in the team encourages each other as much as possible making the club a really fun and safe place to get involved. It is truly incredible to be a part of this team.

What are you most proud of achieving since joining the club?
Becoming Captain was really big for me. It's been so special to be able to help the club and players develop through this role, I can't wait to see what happens next.

What's your favourite memory of being part of Coventry Corsairs RFC?
Walking out as a team for our first game. It was a surprisingly nice day, with the sun breaking through the clouds as we came out in our brand new kit. It was an incredible moment as we huddled before the game, thinking about all the hard work we had put in to get there. I couldn't have been happier for the players and the team we had become.

What advice would you give to anyone thinking of joining the club?
Just join! You will make the best of friends and have no regrets. What have you got to lose?

And finally...

Should #burpeesforgrant start trending on social media?
Absolutely should