Player Of The Week 5 of 16


Words cannot do true justice to our founder Diego, but we can try!

How much experience did you have of playing rugby before joining the Corsairs?
I've been playing rugby since 2014. I also was a founding member of the Wessex Wyverns and co-founder of the Reading Renegades.

What made you decide to start up the club?
I thought the LGBTQ+ community in Coventry needed a place to belong that wasn't a bar or an app like Grindr. As a community we are often excluded from sports from a young age either by choice or imposition. It's important to show we can do as much as anyone else.

How did you first come up with the name "Coventry Corsairs"?
I was thinking about a name of the team that had some alliteration with Coventry and remembered that I needed an excuse to wear my pirate costume again. So Corsairs it was!!

What's the best part of being a member of the Corsairs?
Seeing the positive impact it has had on so many souls that otherwise would probably not even have considered joining a team sport.

What are you most proud of achieving since joining the club?
Winning the Beormer Bowl at 'Touch My Brum' in 2021.

What's your favourite memory since becoming a Corsair?
Winning our first match!!

What advice would you give to anyone thinking of joining the club?
What are you waiting for! Come and give it a go - you have nothing to lose.

Finally, what is your nickname within the Club?
I have been told by my lawyers not to say that word!