Player Of The Week 15 of 16

15. SAM K.

Sam was one of the first of our 2021 intake and has already proved himself an invaluable member of the club - just don't call him 'Ginge'!

How much experience did you have of playing rugby before joining the Corsairs?

How did you first hear about Coventry Corsairs RFC?
Through a friend.

What made you decide to join the club?
I wanted to start playing rugby but wasn't sure where to go and the Corsairs' ethos seemed very accepting of all skill levels.

What are you most proud of achieving since joining the club?
Playing my first contact match

What's your favourite memory of being part of Coventry Corsairs RFC?
The last match we played against the Bisons in Bristol.

What advice would you give to anyone thinking of joining the club?
Go for it! It's a great group of people and you can learn a lot.