Player Of The Week 13 of 16

13. ROB

Our Co-Chair, "Her Royal Highness" Rob reflects on the positive impact the Corsairs has had on him.

How much experience did you have of playing rugby before joining the Corsairs?
I did one P.E. lesson at school but after being told I had the right build for rugby, I sulked and skipped every other P.E. lesson for the rest of my time at school.

How did you first hear about Coventry Corsairs RFC?
Facebook was where I first saw about the club and then after meeting with the two founders (Carl and Diego) I came along to training.

What made you decide to join the club?
As much as I love all of my friends, my friendship group was mainly made up of straight women. I loved spending time with them, but also wanted friends like me. I always found it difficult to form friendships with men - if they were straight I would worry that they thought I was hitting on them, and if they were gay I would worry that they thought I was hitting on them! There didn't seem to be a way of just meeting people who have had similar experiences to me and forming friendships...but then I met the Corsairs!

So many people, some with similar tales to tell and some who have lived completely different lives - but at the same time every member is accepting of each other without question and offers the hand of friendship.

What's the best part of being a member of the Corsairs?
The friends you make, the confidence you gain - and the regular pizzas!

What are you most proud of achieving since joining the club?
So many things in my time with the Corsairs. I have been the Social Secretary and am now the Co-Chair. As Co-Chairperson I am so increasingly proud of the Club and our members, and how everyone is there to support and help each other.

My proudest personal achievement would be being made 'Player of the Match' for my first full contact game. I'm not the most confident rugby player and have a lot to learn, but for people to see I'm trying and willing to learn meant a lot.

What's your favourite memory since becoming a Corsair?
The shoes, Thomas The Tank, the rug - oh what a night! To get the full story you will need to come along to training.

What advice would you give to anyone thinking of joining the club?
What harm can it do! Come along, give it a go and if it is not for you then you've only lost an evening. If it is for you then you've gained more friends than most people have in a lifetime!