Player Of The Week 11 of 16


One of the OG Corsairs, Michael was looking to get into a team sport and found something he really enjoyed.

How much experience did you have of playing rugby before joining the Corsairs?
I played rugby at senior school, but had then mostly done non-team sports like running and fencing.

What made you decide to join the club?
I'd done very little sport for a while after stopping fencing four years ago, and missed going to a club. Mostly I wanted to try a team sport and to learn something new.

What's the best part of being a member of the Corsairs?
It had that 'club feel' from the first session. I was surprised how much fun I had and how much I learned so there were a lot of good things. I enjoy seeing the players - a great group of people. It has been good to see new faces over the last couple of years too, getting to know everyone and improving together.

What are you most proud of achieving since joining the club?
When we reached the final in 'Touch My Brum' in 2021 and won the Beormer Bowl. Covid had kept us mostly out of training so coming back together and achieving that was amazing - a real team effort!

What's your favourite memory since becoming a Corsair?
Our most recent away game in Bristol. I scored my first try in a contact game and never thought that would happen when I first started.

What advice would you give to anyone thinking of joining the club?
Just attend a session with an open mind. Don't be put off by having not played before or worry about your ability. It's a good place to meet a bunch of friendly people and improve fitness.